Arkopharma is a French laboratory that studies the potential of plants and uses all the knowledge of herbal medicine to create unique and innovative dietary supplements. Arkopharma extracts the best from nature so that its supplements are highly concentrated, with effective results and at the same time totally safe for the body.
-27%Precio especial $12.188,00 Precio habitual $16.685,83
Arcovital Acylura 1000 Comprimidos Crujientes x30
-10%Precio especial $10.076,77 Precio habitual $11.198,68
Arkopharma x20 comprimidos efervescentes de vitamina C y D + zinc
-34%Precio especial $13.279,31 Precio habitual $20.031,16
Champú Forcapil para prevenir la caída del cabello, 200 ml.
-34%Precio especial $10.688,72 Precio habitual $16.196,27
Arkoreal Jalea Real + Probióticos Junior x5 ampollas
-10%Precio especial $26.844,20 Precio habitual $29.822,35
Arkopharma Forderma Collagen Anti-Aging Global Sticks x30
-15%Precio especial $22.897,12 Precio habitual $26.783,00
Colágeno Fortificante en Polvo Arkopharma Forderma 260g