Nioxin was founded in 1987 by Eva Graham with a single mission: help people recover from hair loss through the use of natural, gentle ingredients.
The brand’s focus is on treating the scalp as an extension of the face skin, and it developed unique formulas throughout its 30 years of existence that helped to care for sensitive hair follicles, prone to loss.
Nioxin was also one of the first brands to focus on anti-aging and exfoliating scalp products, which helped the company to stand out in the market and associated it as an alternative to drugs for these issues.
-28%Precio especial 19,99 € Precio habitual 27,72 €
Nioxin System 5 Tratamiento para el cuero cabelludo y el cabello 100ml
-10%Precio especial 22,84 € Precio habitual 25,39 €
Nioxin System 1 Tratamiento Hidratante Para El Cuero Cabelludo 300ml
Agotado -
-10% Envío gratis *Precio especial 36,87 € Precio habitual 40,96 €
Nioxin Head Treatment System 1 Hidratante Intensivo 1000ml
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-10% Envío gratis *
-10% Envío gratis *
-47%Precio especial 14,04 € Precio habitual 26,37 €
Nioxin System 3 Acondicionador Revitalizante Cuero Cabelludo 300ml
Agotado -
-10% Envío gratis *Precio especial 26,97 € Precio habitual 29,97 €
Acondicionador revitalizante Nioxin System 1 Scalp Therapy 300 ml