Frequently Asked Questions
Are Bioderma products dermatologically tested?
Yes. All Bioderma products undergo tolerance tests under the supervision of dermatology, allergy, and toxicology experts from around the world. In recent years, more than 1000 clinical studies have been conducted in almost 30 different countries.
Is Bioderma recommended by dermatologists?
Bioderma develops products for all ages and skin types, based on its expertise in skin biology and dermatology specialization. Its research teams include dermatologists, pediatricians, oncologists, hospital staff, and pharmacists.
What is Bioderma's greatest innovation?
In 1995, Bioderma scientists imagined the world's first micellar water. Originally developed for dermatologists to care for their patients' sensitive skin, Sensibio H2O quickly gained popularity and became available in pharmacies. From there, the invention becomes a revolution, with a bottle of Sensibio H2O sold every second worldwide.
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